Terms of Sale: The prices are inclusive of shipping to any country in the
world. Satisfaction is guaranteed. When you receive a case you are expected
to inspect it carefully for anything that you are not satisfied with. At
that point you may request us to repair the problem, replace the case, or
provide a refund. For all options we will discuss the best way to proceed.
We only ask that you please take the time within the first few days of
receipt of the case in order to identify anything you are not satisfied
with. After one week it will will be presumed that you are satisfied with
the case and the sale will considered final.
Warranty: All JB cases are warranted to be in proper working condition when
they are sent out. If something should be found to not be in working order
then we will repair or replace the item at our expense. All closures,
latches, and mechanical parts are subject to breaking for a variety of
reasons. If one should break due to negligence on our part then we will
bear the cost of repair. However we ask that you understand that on any
type of case that latches are not indestructible and must be used properly
in order to last a lifetime.
Payment: We accept
credit cards and payments through PayPal, Money Orders, and Bank/Wire
Transfers. We bear the costs for PayPal but not for Bank/Wire Transfers.
Payment account details provided through email. Note: You do NOT need to
have a PayPal account or sign up for a PayPal account to pay us by credit
card using PayPal's system. We will send you a request for payment and you
can enter your card information without giving it to us and you do not need
to sign up for a PayPal account. All credit card information is kept on
secure servers and is encrypted heavily. We do NOT see your information or
keep it on our computers.
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